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Piazza Castello Workshop 2016

International Workshop on Laser scanning and “Shape and Motion” Digital Technologies: Piazza Castello, Mantova, September 2016


The Mantova International Workshop is part of a series of workshops in Shenkar’s department of Interior, Building and Environment Design on documentation and design interventions within cultural heritage sites. The workshop was hosted by the Politecnico Di Milano – branch of Mantova. The students focused on the Piazza Castello within the Palazzo Ducalle of Mantova. The participants got acquainted with the history of Mantova and the trends of Renaissance and Mannerist architecture. They visited the Pallazo Ducalle and discussed topics of conservation and heritage. One group of students dealt with the documentation of the Piazza through methodologies of digital survey. The second group focused on creating a design intervention within the Piazza. The results of the workshop were presented in an exhibition in the Beccherie di Giulio Romano in Mantova.

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